Is ThriftBooks Legit? Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever heard of ThriftBooks and wondered if it’s a real place to buy books? With so many online stores out there, it’s normal to ask, “Is ThriftBooks legit?” Don’t worry!

This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about ThriftBooks in a fun and easy way. We’ll look at what it is, what people say about it, and if it’s a good choice for you.

Get ready to learn all about this online bookstore and decide if you want to shop there. Let’s jump right in!

What is ThriftBooks?

ThriftBooks is an online bookstore that sells new and used books. Two friends started it in 2003 because they wanted everyone to enjoy reading without spending too much money. They began with a small storage unit and sold books on Amazon.

Now, they have big warehouses all over the United States. They buy books from libraries, charities, and people, then sell them at low prices. Plus, they recycle books that can’t be sold, which helps the planet.

Imagine ThriftBooks as a huge online library where you can buy books for super cheap. They have books about pirates, princesses, and even math! You pick what you want, and they send it to your house. It’s like a treasure chest full of stories waiting for you to open.

I remember my first order from ThriftBooks. I got a book about space for just a few dollars, and it came right to my door. It felt like getting a present, and I couldn’t wait to read it!

Is ThriftBooks a Real Company?

Yes, ThriftBooks is a real company. It has been around for more than 20 years and has sold millions of books. You can visit their website at or find them on Amazon and eBay. They have lots of workers who pack books in warehouses and help customers. People know ThriftBooks for its big selection and low prices.

How do they keep prices so low? They buy tons of books from places like libraries and charities. This lets them sell books cheaply and help good causes at the same time. It’s a win for everyone!

ThriftBooks isn’t some mystery store that disappears. It’s been here for a long time, and people trust it. You can count on them to send you books you’ll love.

Customer Reviews: What Do People Say?

People usually like ThriftBooks a lot. They say the prices are awesome and the book choices are huge. Many love the free shipping when you spend a certain amount. But some people have said their books didn’t look as good as they expected. A few also waited longer than they wanted for shipping. Still, most reviews give ThriftBooks a big thumbs up.

One person wrote, “ThriftBooks is my favorite! I’ve gotten so many books, and they’re always in good shape.” Another said, “I had a problem with my order, but they fixed it fast. I’ll buy from them again!” It shows they care about making customers happy.

Think of reviews like advice from friends. Most say ThriftBooks is great, but a few remind you to check what you’re getting. It’s a good way to know what to expect!

Book Quality: Are the Books in Good Condition?

ThriftBooks checks every used book and gives it a grade. The grades go from “Like New” to “Acceptable.” “Like New” means the book looks almost perfect. “Acceptable” means it might have scratches or worn pages but you can still read it. You pick the grade you want when you order. Sometimes, people get books that aren’t quite what they thought, but ThriftBooks offers refunds or new books if that happens.

When you shop, you can choose how nice you want your book to look. Want it shiny and new? Go for “Like New.” Okay with some marks? Pick “Acceptable” and save more money. It’s up to you!

Even if a book has a little wear, it’s still a fun read. I got an “Acceptable” book once with a bent cover, but the story inside was so good I didn’t mind!

Shipping: How Fast and Reliable Is It?

ThriftBooks gives free shipping in the U.S. if you spend a certain amount. This regular shipping takes 4 to 14 days. You can pay extra for faster shipping if you want your books sooner. Some people say their books took a while to arrive, but most agree the shipping works well. They use the mail service, and you can track your package online.

If you need a book quick, like for a school project, the fast shipping is worth it. But if you’re patient, free shipping saves you cash. Just order early if it’s for something special!

I ordered a book for my cousin’s birthday once. It came in 10 days with free shipping, and she loved it. It’s pretty dependable!

Customer Service: Are They Helpful?

ThriftBooks has a team you can email or call if you need help. People say they’re friendly and quick to fix problems. If your book comes in bad shape, they’ll send a new one or give your money back. Customers love how easy it is to get help when something goes wrong.

One person said, “My book was torn, but they sent a new one super fast. They were so nice!” Another wrote, “I emailed them a question, and they answered in a few hours.” It’s good to know they’ve got your back.

Think of their team like a helpful librarian. If your book isn’t right, they’ll find a way to make it better. That makes shopping there feel safe and fun.

Pricing: Are the Books Really Cheap?

Yes, ThriftBooks has super low prices. Used books start at about $3.99, and new books cost less than at most stores. They also have sales to make things even cheaper. Their ReadingRewards program lets you earn points to get free books when you buy stuff.

Picture this: you could buy a pile of books for the price of one fancy new book somewhere else. It’s like a deal too good to pass up! Whether it’s a big adventure or a small story, you won’t spend much.

I got three books for under $15 once. It felt like winning a prize, and I read them all in a week!

Selection: Do They Have a Lot of Books?

ThriftBooks has tons of books—over 13 million! They sell new books, used books, and even rare ones you can’t find easily. You’ll see books for kids, grown-ups, and school, like stories, facts, and textbooks. If they don’t have a book, you can add it to your wishlist and they’ll tell you when it’s back.

It’s like a giant book fair online. You might find an old fairy tale or a cool science book. There’s something for everyone, no matter what you like to read.

Exploring their site is so much fun. I found a book about dinosaurs I’d never seen before, and it was only $4!

Loyalty Program: What Is ReadingRewards?

ReadingRewards is a free program from ThriftBooks. You join and earn points every time you buy a book. When you get 500 points, you get a free book. They also give extra points sometimes with special deals. It’s perfect if you love buying books a lot.

If reading is your favorite thing, this program is like a bonus. You buy books you want, and soon you get one for free! Signing up is easy and makes every order more exciting.

I’m in ReadingRewards, and I got a free book after a few orders. It’s like a little gift for being a book fan!

Environmental Impact: Are They Eco-Friendly?

ThriftBooks cares about the Earth. They recycle books they can’t sell so they don’t end up in the trash. Their shipping boxes are recyclable too. Selling used books means fewer new ones need to be made, which helps save trees and energy.

When you buy from ThriftBooks, you help the planet a little. Every used book you read keeps it out of a landfill. It’s a cool way to be kind to nature while enjoying stories.

I like knowing my books help the environment. It makes reading feel even better!

Comparing ThriftBooks to Other Bookstores

ThriftBooks is different from stores like Amazon and AbeBooks. Amazon has more books and ships faster, but ThriftBooks is cheaper and loves used books. AbeBooks sells used books too, but ThriftBooks has an easier website and a points program. It’s great if you want to save money.

If you want books fast, Amazon might be better. But if you like low prices and don’t mind waiting, ThriftBooks wins. It’s all about what you care about most!

I tried Amazon and ThriftBooks. Amazon was quick, but ThriftBooks saved me more money, so I use it more now.

Potential Issues: What to Watch Out For

ThriftBooks is usually good, but there are some things to know. Some people get books that don’t look as nice as they hoped. Shipping can take longer than expected too. Since the books are used, they might have some marks or wear. If something’s wrong, they’ll fix it with a refund or new book.

People sometimes worry used books will be messy, but ThriftBooks checks them first. If you’re not happy, they make it right. Just keep an eye on what you order!

I got a book with a ripped page once, but they sent a new one fast. It’s not perfect every time, but they try hard.

Conclusion: Is ThriftBooks Legit?

Yes, ThriftBooks is legit! It’s been selling books for over 20 years and makes people happy with low prices. There might be small problems, like books not being perfect or slow shipping, but most customers love it. If you want cheap books, ThriftBooks is a smart pick.

Next time you want a book, give ThriftBooks a try. You could find an awesome story for just a few bucks. It’s a fun way to read more without spending a lot!


Is ThriftBooks a safe website to buy from?

Yes, ThriftBooks is safe. They keep your payment info secure and have rules to protect you.

How does ThriftBooks grade their books?

They give used books grades like “Like New” or “Acceptable.” Each grade tells you how the book looks.

Can I return a book if I’m not satisfied?

Yes, you can return a book in 30 days. They’ll give you a refund or a new one.

Does ThriftBooks ship internationally?

Yes, they ship outside the U.S. You just pay extra for shipping.

How can I contact ThriftBooks customer service?

You can email or call them. Check their website for the info.

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